Often times it can be months before you receive all of your medical bills. One visit to the emergency room where a few x-rays are taken will likely generate at least three bills from three separate agencies: one from the facility, one from the emergency room doctor, and a third from the radiologist. So, if you settle quickly with the insurance company you may not even know the sum of your bills yet.
What are you to do with the medical bills, in the event of a personal injury claim? First of all, be sure the provider is submitting these to your health insurer for their adjustments and payment. If you are responsible for a balance, you can pay this and you will be reimbursed from the settlement. If you are unable to pay the balance, you can contact the provider and let them know that you have a personal injury case pending. We are also able to go to bat for you, contacting the provider, if you wish, and making sure any unpaid bills are not sent to collections.